Each year the National Association of REALTORS® surveys members regarding safety. The 2023 NAR Member Safety Report is available to view online, click here
NAR Member Safety Report Highlights:
- The typical respondent meets prospective clients whom they've never met before either at their office or in a neutral location 65% of the time.
- 71% have personal safety protocols in place that they follow with every client. This is more likely among females (76%) than among males (67%).
- 42% of residential REALTORS® said that they have participated in a self-defense class.
- 47% of men and 58% of women carry a self-defense weapon or tool.
- 58% of members use a smartphone safety app to track whereabouts and alert colleagues in case of an emergency.
- Among those who participated in a REALTOR® safety course, 66% said they feel more prepared for unknown situations after taking a REALTOR® Safety course.

NAR REALTOR® Safety Series Webinars
NAR recognizes REALTORS® face more on-the-job risks than many other business professionals and to help increase your knowledge, safety awareness and to empower you to make smart decisions, we've created these Webinars and a variety of other safety-related materials that are available online at www.NAR.realtor/Safety.
Personal Safety is All About You
Your personal safety does not have to be left to chance and is something you can be in control of. Even though you cannot eliminate all possibility of becoming a victim, there are steps you can take to reduce the odds. It is important to realize that personal safety is about risk reduction, using good common sense, and trusting your instincts.
During this free REALTOR® Safety webinar presented by Sergeant Preston Taylor, we will discuss personal safety as it relates to work, home, and travel. You will learn:
- What an attacker looks for
- How to minimize your chance of being attacked
- Why most crime is committed
- Common sense personal safety techniques
Open House and Listing Appointment Safety
NAR recognizes REALTORS® face more on-the-job risks than many other business professionals and to help increase your knowledge, safety awareness and to empower you, we've created this Webinar on the most dangerous part of your job, Open Houses and Listing Appointments.
When showing a home, your primary focus is on your clients and whether or not they like the property. But don’t let that keep you from being aware of your safety. Whether you are hosting an open house or conducting a listing appointment, there are guidelines and procedures that will keep you as safe as possible. Every year, real estate agents are threatened, robbed, or physically or sexually assaulted while fulfilling ordinary, everyday requirements of their job. Some even lose their lives. By learning from these unfortunate and sometimes tragic incidents, you can make simple adjustments to the way you do business - and avoid violent crimes.
Learn about today’s criminals. Then learn how to properly set up and close an open house. Identify what you should do during the open house to maximize your safety and the safety of your clients. Lastly, learn the safest way to conduct a listing appointment.
Safety Tips to Share with Sellers
The National Association of REALTORS® has worked hard to keep REALTOR® Safety foremost in everyone’s minds. But what about your clients? They, too, face some dangers in allowing strangers into their homes or visiting other people’s properties.
During this free REALTOR® Safety webinar, presented by Sergeant Preston Taylor, we will discuss valuable advice and steps to share with your clients to help protect them against crime. You will learn:
- Items that need to be safely put away
- How thieves are able to access personal information
- What thieves target at open houses and how to be prepared
- Safety tips to remember before and after showing a property
Social Media and Cyber Safety
Today’s environment includes social networking, smart phones, e-mail and on-line everything. But how safe are you when using all this technology?
In this webinar, you will:
- Learn how today’s criminals are using your social media information for illegal activities.
- Identify the pitfalls and rewards of social media and other cyber tools.
- Learn what your tweets and posts could be telling the world.
- Discover how you could be tracked through geotags.
- Decrease the opportunities of criminals to hack your laptops, smart phones and office systems and files.
- Identify what you need in your safety plan to reduce cyber attacks.
Personal Safety Tips for Real Estate Professionals:
This video, published by NAR’s REALTOR® Safety Program, highlights safety protocols that all REALTORS® should implement into their daily routine and follow with every client, every day, every time. Watch the video and be sure to share it with your fellow REALTORS®.