2023 City Commission Election

Click here for the Douglas County election page. The Deadline to Register for the 2023 General Election is October 17, 2023.
Lawrence KS City Commission Candidates 2023 Election
Please join the LBOR and the LHBA for a City Commission Candidate Forum from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on September 20, 2023, at Maceli's - 1031 New Hampshire St., Lawrence KS 66044.
The City Commission Election will be held on November 7th.
Voter Guide
Candidates for the Lawrence City Commission were invited to complete a Candidate Questionnaire for review.
The Questionnaire is specific to issues important to the real estate industry and private property rights. We are happy to provide each Candidate's answers to you for consideration. Their answers are shown in the links below, exactly as they were provided to the LBOR.
As Candidate Questionnaires become available they will be linked here: